Veronica grisebachii

Veronica grisebachii

Keşan mavişi

Erect annual, 4-14 cm, usually strongly branched, densely pubescent to subvillous. Leaves with 3-7 mm petiole, often purple below, sparsely pubescent, ciliate at base. Lamina of lower leaves ovate to elliptic, entire or shallowly lobed, of upper palmately 3-5-lobed or pinnatifid, 4-10 x 3-8 mm, lobes ovate to oblonglinear. Inflorescence dense, 30-80-flowered, eglandular-pubescent. Bracts 4-12 mm, base narrowly cuneate or linear, densely ciliate with 0·6-1,5 mm stiff hairs, upper part 3-fid with long linear lobes, rigid in fruit with 3 prominent nerves, horizontally patent or recurved, exceeding calyx. Pedicels absent or to 11 mm, erect. Calyx 5-10 mm in fruit, tube 1/4-1/3 x calyx, lobes linear, stiffly ciliate at base, rigid and patent to reflexed in fruit. Corolla bright to deep blue , 8-12 mm diam. Style 2-4 mm. Capsule ad pressed to axis, narrowly triangular-cuneate, 3,5-4,5 x 2,5-3,5 mm, base long-cuneate, apex truncate-subemarginate, densely puberulent, 0,5-0,7 x calyx length. Seeds c. 18, almost 4-angled, 0,8-1,2 x 0,4-0,8 mm, thick, rugulose, yellowish. Fl. 4-6. Open macchie, Pinus forests, steppe, scree, fields, 700-1600 m.
E. Bulgaria. E. Medit. element.
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