Veronica leiocarpa

Veronica leiocarpa

 Akra mavişi

Erect perennial, 30-70 cm, stems unbranched or slightly branched at base, pubescent with short curved or longer crisp hairs . Leaves sessile , subrigid, lanceolate, 25-45 x 8-22 mm, apex obtuse or acute, base shortly cuneate, rounded or truncate, margin serrate-crenate, usually shortly pilose on margin and otherwise glabrous, rarely lamina hirsute or completely glabrous. Racemes 1-4, opposite 30-80-flowered, 7-20 cm, pubescent with rigid, curved or patent hairs or subglabrous, always eglandular; peduncle 15-50 mm. Bracts linear. Pedicels 1,5-4 mm, 0,5-1,4 x bracts, erect in fruit and adpressed to axis. Calyx 3-5,5 mm, lobes 4, linear. Corolla blue or mauve, 10-16 mm diam. Style 3-5 mm. Capsule broadly elliptic to orbicular, 3,5-4,5 x 3-5 mm, shorter than calyx, pubescent to glabrous, base rounded to subcordate, slightly emarginate, margin often ± thickened and brighter, surface with slightly prominent veins. Seeds orbicular, c. 1,5 x 1,5 mm, flat, slightly rugulose. Fl. 4-6. Quercus and Pinus forests and scrub, macchie, rocky slopes, 200-1800 m.
Syria, Lebanon, Israel. E. Medit. element. 
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