Veronica triloba

Veronica triloba

Üç maviş

Decumbent annual, usually strongly branched, shoots 10-30 cm, completely eglandular, stems ± pubescent to subvillous. Leaves and bracts ± fleshy and rigid, dark green, ± pubescent. Bracts with 2-5 mm petiole, lamina ± transversely-rectangular in outline, 3-lobed usually to at least 1/2, lobes subequal in length, laterals narrower than central, 4-9 x 6-12 mm, base truncate to subcordate. Pedicels 2-7 mm in fruit, pilose , patent or deflexed in fruit. Calyx lobes subpetiolate, triangular-cordate, 4-5 x 3-4 mm, connivent after anthesis, puberulent on outer surface , densely ciliate, cilia 35-60 per side, 0,3-0,8 mm, 0,04-0,07 mm broad at base. Corolla deep blue, 3-5 mm diam. Style 0,4-0,8 mm. Capsule 2,5-3 x 4-5 mm, strongly inflated, without keel, smooth, base subcordate, apex slightly rounded-emarginate, glabrous. Seeds c. 4, ellipsoid, often ±  subrectangular, 2,2-2,8 x 1,5-2,2 mm, deeply urn-shaped with elaiosome within, rather dull brown-yellowish, strongly rugose to margin; margin narrow, not or scarcely involute, not thinned. Fl. 3-5. Pinus forest, scree, rocky places, fields, vineyards, 100-1900 m.

S. & S.E. Europe. Probably native in Anatolia.

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