Aegilops crassa

Aegilops crassa

Kalın buğday

subsp. crassa.

Robust tufted annual, 30-50 cm. Upper leaf blade linear-lanceolate, 6-8 mm broad, usually glabrous. Spike cylindrical, 6-9 cm, adpressed-velutinous, constricted between the large spikelets. Spikelets 6-8, oblong, flask-shaped, finally disarticulating at rachis joints. Vestigial spikelets solitary, 3-8 mm. Glumes of lateral spikelets somewhat asymmetrical, 8-10 x 4-5 mm, subtruncate but for 2-4 small teeth, veins of unequal width; lemmas subexserted and 2-toothed, those of upper spikelets often broadly awned. Uppermost spikelet narrower than lateral ones, glumes unequally short-toothed, each of 2 lower spikelets elongated into a laterally flattened 5-8 cm awn 1-2mm broad at base, overtopping similar awns of upper lateral   spikelets. 2n = 28. Fl. 5. Fallow fields and cornfields, 500-c. 1150 m.

W. Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, C. Asia. Ir-Tur. element.

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