Aegilops triuncialis

Aegilops triuncialis

 Subsp persica: Acem kılçığı; Subsp. triuncialis: Üçkılçık

Tufted 20-25 cm annual. Upper leaves with blade linear-lanceolate, 1.5-3 mm broad, pilose or glabrous. Spike 3-5 cm, subcylindrical . Spikelets 4-5 , all fertile, appearing ±superimposed on the sinuate rachis, forming a regular though slightly tapering column, internodes c. as long as glumes; fruiting spike shed as a unit. Vestigial spikelets 3 . Glumes of lateral spikelets oblong, 6-10 mm, 1.5-2 x as long as broad, subglabrous to antrorsely scabridulous or pubescent, with pallid close-set veins; awns 3, 1-6 cm, setaceous, or middle awn sometimes reduced to a tooth; at least lowest lemma setaceous-awned, the others shortly awned or spine-toothed. Uppermost spikelet with glumes bearing 3 long setaceous awns overtopping awns of lateral spikelets; lemma of florets bearing 3 setaceous awns shorter than those of glumes, lateral pair much shorter than middle awn. 2n = 28. Fl. 6. Steppe, open meadow on basalt, fallow fields, rocky limestone slopes, waste places, nr s.l.-1900 m.
S. Europe & N. Africa, S.W.Asia eastwards to Transcaucasia. Subsp, persica  Zhukovsky grows further east, in Caucasia, N. Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.
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