Agropyron cristatum

Agropyron cristatum

Otlak ayrığı

Stems 20-70 cm, ± pubescent. Leaf blades usually 1.5-3 mm broad, scabrid or pilose on upper surface, glabrous beneath or pubescent on both sides. Spike ovate, narrowly ovate, elliptic or narrowly elliptic, 1.5-5 cm, sometimes tinged purple. Glumes 3-5 mm, with 2-3 mm awn. Lemma 5-7 mm, with 3-4 mm awn.

1. Rachis fragile at maturity; spikelets closely pressed together; lemma densely pilose subsp. incanum -Caucasia, Iran; probably also in C. Asia. Ir.-Tur. element.

1. Rachis tough; spikelets with distinct gaps between them; lemma glabrous or sparsely pilose subsp. pectinatum -C. Europe, Mediterranean area, C. & S. Russia, Crimea, Caucasia, Iran, Afghanistan, C. Asia, Siberia; introduced in many temperate countries.

2. Spikelets glabrous var. pectinatum

2. Spikelets sparsely pilose var. imbricatum

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