Ammochloa palaestina


Ammochloa palaestina


Annual. Stems 0.54 cm, smooth, glabrous. Leaf sheaths inflated with membranous margins. Ligule c. 1.5 mm, lacerate. Leaf blades longer than inflorescence, 1.7-7 cm x 0.5-1.5 mm, green or ± glaucous, acuminate or cucullate, margins scabridulous. Spikelets subsessile, 8 mm, straw yellow. Glumes obliquely ovate, 4-5 mm, scarious, upper margins sometimes irregular. Lemma broadly ovate, 4-5 mm, becoming serni-coriaceous, dorsally scabrid, margins scarious and finely denticulate. Palea oblong, c. 3.5 mm, truncate-praemorse, keels scabridulous. Anthers oblong, 0.8-1 mm, yellow. Caryopsis 1.4 mm, smooth. Fl. 4. Maritime sands, s.l.-60 m.
Spain, N. Africa, W. Syria, Iraq, S. Iran, Kuwait, Sinai, Caucasia
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