Cynosurus effusus


Cynosurus effusus


Yel tarakotu
Annual. Stems 7-70 cm, usually nodding at base of panicle, glabrous, smooth. Leaf sheaths smooth, uppermost well below panicle at anthesis; ligule 2-3 mm; blades 3.5-8 cm x 1-3 mm. Panicle 10-30 x 5-12 mm , ovoid to subglobose, laxer than in C. echinatus, with a conspicuous whitish band at each joint . Fertile spikelets 2.5-4 mm, 1-2-flowered; glumes linear-acuminate, much narrower than lemma, white-hyaline, long-aristate ; lemma 2.3-3 mm, hispid all over dorsal surface, with 8-14 mm awn from sinus; awns greenish to straw-coloured. Sterile spikelets consisting of 5-9 pectinate-distichous scale-like lemmas, upper ones distinctly shorter and broader than lower, each with 2-4.5 mm awn. Fl. 4-6. Shady limestone rocks, fields and field margins, nr s.l.-1150 m.
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