Adonis aestivalis


Adonis aestivalis


Ssp aestivalis: Kandamlası; Ssp parviflora: Kuşlalesi
Plant glabrescent, sparsely villose at base , 10-50 cm, often widely branched. Leaf laciniae linear. Flowers 10-30 mm across. Sepals pallid, glabrous or sparsely villose outside, spreading. Petals narrowly obovate, deep scarlet, sometimes orange, coppery or even ivory, with a black base. Achenes conferted, 3-5 mm, rugose-reticulate, dorsal keel with a broadly triangular subacute projection ½  the distance from apex to base, transverse crest often prominent and toothed; beak in line with achene axis, or ascending, ± short, green or bluish.
1. Flowers 15-30 mm across, scarlet; achenes 4-5 mm, sculpturing and dorsal projection prominent subsp. aestivalis
1. Flowers 10-15 mm across, usually orange, coppery or even ivory; achenes 3-4 mm, sculpturing and dorsal projection weak subsp. parviflora
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