Adonis eriocalycina


Adonis eriocalycina


Kızıl kandamlası
Glabrescent annual, villose below, 25-40 cm, sparsely and strictly branched. Leaf laciniae linear. Flowers 20-35 mm across. Sepals pallid , shortly and densely villose outside, spreading. Petals oblong-oblanceolate, scarlet throughout . Achenes conferted, 4-7 mm, weakly rugose-reticulate, dorsal margin keeled but without a projection, transverse crest toothed; beak lanceolate, canaliculate below, in line with achene axis, 0,5-1,5 x achene, green. Fl. 5-6. Grain and fallow fields, 750-1700 m.
Georgia, N. Iraq, Syrian Desert . Ir.-Tur. element.
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