Delphinium axilliflorum

Delphinium axilliflorum

 Salkım mahmuz

Stem 20-45 cm, flexuous, simple or sparingly branched below, adpressed-pubescent like the leaves, floriferous nearly to base. Leaf laciniae linear-oblong to oblanceolate. Raceme spike-like, lax. Bracts laciniate. Bracteoles trisect. Flowers subsessile, pale mauve or violet. Spur about half as long as the posterior sepal, directed downwards. Corolla 3-lobed, kite-shaped, with a projecting, oblong, bifid median lobe as long as the bluntly triangular lateral lobes. Follicles oblong-linear, adpressed to stem. Fl. 5-6. Grassy banks, fields, nr. s.l.-1800 m.
W. Syria, Syrian Desert.
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