Ranunculus cornutus
Ranunculus cornutus
Annual, 5-50 cm, ± pilose. Stem branched, many-flowered. Radical leaves trilobed or trisect with a sessile or stalked central segment. Lower stem leaves trisect, the segments dissected into linear-lanceolate or oblong, trifid laciniae; upper stem leaves dissected into linear laciniae. Peduncles slender, longer than subtending leaf. Sepals reflexed. Petals 7-12 mm. Pollen grains 2-colpate. Achenes with ovate-orbicular 3-4 mm disc, densely and acutely muriculate, surrounded by a usually broad stiff wing confluent with the recurved, triangular-lanceolate, 1-5 mm beak. Fl. 4-5. Wet meadows, fallow fields and ditches, s.l.-1300m.
Greece, S.W. Asia.