Reseda luteola

 Reseda luteola


Erect, glabrous, biennial, up to 1 m tall, strict. Leaves all entire. Racemes dense, spicate, with many erect, shortly pedicellate flowers. Sepals 4, persistent in fruit. Petals 4, yellow; the single back petal clawed with the limb 4-8 lobed; the 2 lateral petals usually clawed with limbs from entire to 4-lobed; the single front petal often clawless and usually entire. Capsules erect, subglobose, wrinkled or rugose, the stigmatic lobes prominent. Seeds smooth, about 1 mm. Fl. 6-7. Fields, slopes and rocky places, often weedy, 800-1500 m.
S., W. and C. Europe, S.W. & C. Asia, N. Africa.
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