Alchemilla elevitensis


Alchemilla elevitensis


Yayla pençesi
Plant glaucescent-green. Stem 30 cm, rigid but not thick, erect, densely spreading or spreading-erect hairy in lower part, sparsely hairy up to the first branch and glabrous above. Petioles 12 cm long, rigid, ± densely spreading hairy. Leaves 6-6.2 cm wide, with narrow or closed sinus. usually 9-lobed; lobes ± orbicular or parabolic, separated by short but very distinct toothless incisions; teeth 8-10, ± equal, acute, apical tooth smaller and narrower than lateral teeth. Leaves glabrous on upper surface except for adpressed hairy veins, adpressed hairy lower surface of basal lobes. Cauline leaves 5-7-lobed. Glomerules lax; all pedicels glabrous; flowers 3.5-4.5 mm wide, yellowish-green; hypanthium 1-1.3 mm long, glabrous. Sepals glabrous, ovate-triangular, acute, longer than hypanthium. Epicalyx lobes glabrous, acute, as long as sepals. Fl. 7. Rocky stream banks,2100 m.
Endemic. Euxine element. 
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