Potentilla anserina

Potentilla anserina

Ssp anserina: Kaz parmakotu

Procumbent, stoloniferous, sericeous perennial, 10-20 cm. Leaves interruptedly pinnate; leaflets 15-25, oblong to ovate, 5-20 mm, deeply serrate or crenate-serrate, sparsely pubescent, green above, sericeous-tomentose beneath. Flowers axillary, solitary. Epicalyx segments lanceolate to broadly oblong, usually 3-5-lobed, longer than ovate-triangular, 2,5-4 mm sepals. Petals yellow, obovate, 5-8 mm, about twice as long as sepals. Achenes glabrous at maturity, bisulcate on the back; style lateral, filiform. Fl. 5-8. River marsh and edge of lakes, 1500-2400 m.
Europe, Caucasia, Syria, Iran, N. and C. Asia; introduced in N. and S. America, and S. Australia. 
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