Potentilla fruticosa

Potentilla fruticosa

Pençe çalısı

subsp. floribunda
Erect or ascending, deciduous shrub, 30-100 cm. Stems pubescent. Leaves pinnate; leaflets 5 or rarely 7, lanceolate, 10-20 mm, entire, margins revolute, adpressed pilose on both sides. Flowers in terminal cymes, functionally hermaphrodite. Epicalyx segments oblanceolate-linear. Sepals triangular-ovate, 5-6 mm. Petals yellow, obovate to orbicular 7-10 mm. Achenes densely pubescent; style sub-basal, clavate. Fl. 6-8. Rocky slopes, 2100-2300 m.
Mountains of S. Europe, Caucasus, C. Asia and N. America.. Subsp.fruticosa from N. Europe, Ural Mountains and N. Asia, differs in its dioecious flowers and in being tetraploid .