Rubus ibericus

Rubus ibericus

Syn: R.discolor
Resembling R. sanctus in its broad flattened prickles and pink flowers, but differing in the following characters: more robust habit; turions angled but not sulcate, brown or purplish brown, usually epruinose, glabrescent, often glossy; prickles narrower; leaflets often larger and more gradually acuminate, glabrous to sparsely pilose above; stipules broader , sparsely glandular-margined; flowering shoots less densely hairy; panicle always lax; illaments white, longer than styles; anthers glabrous, pollen sterile. Carpels subpilose; drupelets larger and very juicy. Fl. 6. Deciduous forest and scrub, shady banks, coastal plains, s.l.-l400 m.
W., C. & S. Europe, Caucasia, Lebanon. 
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