Sanguisorba magnolii

Sanguisorba magnolii


Syn: S. verrucosa, S. minor ssp magnolii

Stems erect, 10-75 cm, glabrous, puberulous or sparsely pilose, sparingly branched. Lower leaves in rosettes at the base of the stems, ± oblong, pinnate with 11-17 orbicular to oblong to ovate, deeply serrate leaflets, usually pilose or sericeous-pilose beneath. Upper leaves few, similar to rosette leaves but with fewer, relatively narrower leaflets. Heads ± globose. Sepals green with whitish or pinkish margins, ovate-oblong, 2-3 mm. Hypanthium forming a hard, nutlike 4-angled fruit with hairy, wrinkled or verrucose faces.

1. Fruit puberulous, obovoid or ovoid, rounded to the apex, not compressed, the 4 wings obscure, the surface wrinkled or almost smooth, 2-3 x 1-1,5 mm ............subsp. lasiocarpa

1. Fruit glabrous, rounded or ± acute at the apex, compressed or not, wings often conspicuous, surface usually conspicuously wrinkled or verrucose, 2,5-4 x 1-3 mm

2. Angles not prominently winged, rather flattened; fruit fusiform, somewhat compressed, surface wrinkled, 3-3,7 x 1-1,5 mm .................. subsp. minor

2. Angles prominently winged, or if not, fruit markedly verrucose with conspicuous projections, not flattened, ovoid to obovoid

3. Surface of fruit thrown into coarse folds and wrinkles; fruit 3-4 x 1,6-2,5 mm ...............................subsp. muricata

3. Surface of fruit drawn up into prominent projections; fruit 3,5-4,5 x2-3 mm ............................... subsp. magnolii

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