Asperula daphneola
Asperula daphneola
Yatık belumotu
Low, greyish green pulvinate perennial, forming cushions to 60 cm diam. Stems prostrate, quadrangular, hispid, with erect 4-7 cm branches. Leaves ± imbricate; basal 2-4 x 0.4-0.8 mm, lanceolate or oblong, shortly cuspidate, ±glabrous; upper gradually elongate, linear, to c. 10 x 1 mm, linear, aristate with 0.5-1 mm hyaline awns and somwhat revolute margins, hispid. Flowers 2-6 in axils of leafy bracts; bracts c. 2/3 x corolla. Calyx absent. Corolla clearly pink, 10-12 mm, narrowly infundibular, hispid outside, lobes to 3 mm, oblong to lanceolate-oblong, appendiculate, spreading. Ovary hispid. Fl. 5-6. Gravelly places on limestone, 1500-1800 m,
Endemic to Nif Da, E. Medit. element.