Crucianella bithynica

Crucianella bithynica

Çayır haçotu

Annual herb. Stems 10-25 cm, ± scabrous; branches ascending to erect, arising from base to middle of stem. Leaves in whorls of 4, lower linear-lanceolate, upper ±narrowly linear to 15-25 mm, strongly revolute. Spikes terminal and lateral, 1.5-8 cm, the latter long-pedunculate, dense and slightly tetrastichous, mostly with 2 flowers per bract. Bracts 5-8 mm, ovate, dorsally carinate, slightly scabrid, with flat, broadly hyaline ± ciliolate margins, aristate-acuminate, awn 1-1.5 mm. Flowers 5-merous; corolla 6-8 mm, exceeding bracts, yellowish, tube ± rough. Fruits finely granulate. Fl. 6-7. Open forests, hillsides, fields, s.l.-1250 m.

E. Medit. element.

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