Cruciata mixta

Cruciata mixta

Öz sarılıkotu


Winter annual , c. 15-40 cm. Main axis prostrate-ascending, dying off early; branches ± all flower-bearing, erect to ascending, quadrangular, sparingly and often retrorsely hairy mainly below, almost smooth above, subhirsute only below nodes, hairs weak, c. 1-2 mm; internodes 8-16, those of flowering region to c. 7.5 cm. Leaves thin, 3-nerved, 8-18 x 4-8 mm, lower approximate, oblong-elliptic to broadly elliptic or ovate, obtuse, subpetiolate, scabrid-ciliate along margins and midrib on both sides. Bracts rhombic-ovate to 11-13-flowered. Peduncles and pedicels hirsute, finally elongate to 6 mm and reflexed. Bracteoles numerous, elliptic to oblanceolate-elliptic, long-ciliate, accrescent to c. 10 x 3 mm. Corolla yellow, c. 1.5-2.5 mm diam., lobes ovate to rhombic-ovate, acute. Mericarps single, subglobose, c. 4 mm diam., rugulose, glabrous. Fl. 4-5. Degraded scrub, 700-1200 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.

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