Galium album

 Galium album

Ssp amani: Ak iplikçik; Ssp prusense: Bursa iplikçiği; Ssp pycnotrichum: Gür iplikçik
Perennial, with branched, creeping rhizome and rooting stolons. Stems 25-80 cm, erect, ascending to procumbent, ± sharply quadrangular mainly in their upper parts, subsimple to branched from lower 1/3, with branches ascending to patent, more often glabrous or hairy, with hairs 0.1-0.7 mm; middle internodes c. 2-5 x leaves. Leaves in whorls of 6-8, 10-30 x 1-6 mm, oblong, oblanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, cuspidate to acuminate, or rounded and mucronate with hyaline apex 0-0.5 mm, antrorsely scabrid along the scarcely revolute margins to subsmooth, often coriaceous, glabrous or hairy mainly along the ± distinctly prominent vein below. Inflorescence broadly ovoid to subcylindrical, Pedicels c. 1.5-3 mm, only slightly spreading in fruit. Corolla white to yellowish, rotate, c. 2-5 mm diam., with oblong, caudate-aristate lobes. Anthers yellowish to dark brown. Mericarps 1.5-1.75 mm, broadly reniform to subglobose, somewhat rugulose, glabrous. 2n = 44.
1. Leaves to 30 x 6 mm, often rounded and mucronate at apex; inflorescence usually broadly ovoid; corolla whitish, c. 2-3 mm diam.; anthers yellowish to brownish; plant robust, usually hairy subsp. pycnotrichum 
1. Leaves 10-20 mm, acute to acuminate; inflorescence narrow, ± cylindrical; corolla usually yellowish; anthers more often dark brown; plant rather slender, more often glabrous
   2. Leaves 1.5-3 mm broad; corolla 3-5 mm diam., stems hardly tinged with violet subsp. prusense 
   2. Leaves 1-2.5 mm broad; corolla 2-3 mm diam.; stems usually tinged with violet subsp. amani