Galium cilicicum

Galium cilicicum

Yayla yoğurtotu

Low caespitose-pulvinate perennial, often yellowish-green on drying. Stems ± woody at base, 3-10 cm, prostrate or prostrate-ascending, densely leafy; internodes as long as leaves or somewhat longer, shortly puberulent, hairs 0.05-0.1 mm; densely imbricately leafy short shoots rather distinct. Leaves in whorls of 6, spreading to somewhat recurved, ±rigid, 4.5-10 x 0.4-0.6 mm, linear-subulate, scabrid-puberulent mainly along margins, mucronulate; hyaline apex glabrous, incurved, 0.2-0.5 mm; margin flat; vein beneath 0.2-0.3 mm. Inflorescence usually elongate spiciform, with 1 to numerous subsessile verticillasters. Pedicels 0-1.5 mm. Calyx teeth absent. Corolla white, c. 2.5 mm, subcampanulate; tube 0.5-1 mm; lobes Ianceolate, 0.7-0.8 mm broad, apiculate, apex incurved. Ovary and mericarps glabrous to subvelutinous. Fl. 6-8. Rock crevices, scree, rock steppe, 1250-2700 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.