Valantia muralis
Valantia muralis
Stems 1-15 cm, usually branched at base, branches ascending to spreading, quadrangular, glabrous below, sparingly to more rarely densely hispid above; internodes usually much abbreviated, rarely elongate to c. 1.5 cm. Leaves c. 1.5-7 x 1-3 mm, obovate-elliptic to broadly obovate, obtuse to acutish, subsessile, hispid-ciliolate towards base, sometimes antrorsely scabrid-denticulate along margins and midrib. Flowers yellowish to slightly purplish, rotate to cup-shaped, central hermaphrodite, c. 1-1.3 mm diam., lateral 0.3-0.6 mm diam. Fruit covering 3-crested, with a conspicuous spreading dorsal horn, crests and horn fimbriate with hooked bristles, not otherwise hispid, Mericarps usually single, c. 1-1.2 mm, smooth. Fl. 3-4. Dry, often rocky places, walls, s.l.-200 m,
Mediterranean area. Medit. element.