Haplophyllum ptilostylum

Haplophyllum ptilostylum

Tüylü sedo
Stems glabrous to rather thinly crisped-pubescent, 20-55 cm. Leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, all save the lower frequently trisect, trifid or bi- or trifurcate, long-attenuate and pseudopetiolate below. Inflorescence much-branched when fully developed, broad and lax, to c. 25 cm diam., the lower inflorescence branches usually exceeding the terminal cyme; branches glabrous or sparingly furnished with crisped, whitish hairs. Sepals deltoid-ovate, persistent. Petals bright yellow, oblong-ovate to ovate, 4-6 mm. Filaments abruptly expanded and ± -parallel-sided in the lower half. Young ovary segments biovulate, each with a  pronounced terminal corniculus, glabrous or pilose on upper inner surface. Capsule with a distinct umbonate appendage on the upper dorsal surface, remaining glands plane to convex or ± impressed. Fl. 5-6. Fallow fields, steppe?, 750-1050 m.
Syrian Desert. Ir.-Tur. element
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