Populus nigra


Populus nigra 


Ssp caudina: Tüylü kavak; Ssp nigra: Karakavak


Tree to 30 m with broad crown. Bark thick, on older trunks blackish, deeply fissured. Buds reddish-brown, ± glabrous but viscous. Young shoots terete, not longitudinally ribbed, yellowish-brown at first, later greyish. Leaves 5-10 x 4-8 cm, dark green and lustrous, without glands near petiole, with translucent margin. Leaves of long shoots large, broadly deltoid or deltoid, usually broader than long, truncate orrounded at base, acute, obtusely dentate. Leaves of short shoots smaller, rhombic-ovate, longer than broad, cuneate at base, distinctly acuminate, minutely crenate-serrate. Petiole 3-6 cm. Fruiting catkins to 16 cm. Capsule ovoid, 2-valved. Fl. 3-4.

  1. Young shoots, leaves, petioles and rachis of young catkins glabrous subsp. nigra
  2. Young shoots, midrib on lower leaf surface, petioles and rachis of young catkins pubescent subsp, caudina


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