Scrophularia canina

Scrophularia canina

 Ssp bicolor: İt sıracaotu

Perennial, 30-100 cm or more, woody at base, many-stemmed, ± glabrous; stem purple or purplish-green especially below, striate. Lower leaves petiolate, upper subsessile, lamina 1-2-pinnatisect, primary segments oblong to lanceolate, entire to dentate; lower pinnatisect. Lower bracts pinnatisect, usually 3-dentate, upper lanceolate to linear, entire. Cymes 3-11-flowered, 1-2 x dichotomous, branches ± straight monochasia; alar pedicels 1-2 mm; bracteoles 4-8 mm. Calyx lobes glabrous, ovate to orbicular, 1,3-2,5 x 1,8-2 mm; scarious margin entire to lacerate, white, 0,4-0,5 mm broad. Corolla maroon, 2,5-5 mm, upper lobes with yellowish-white border. Stamens exserted; staminode oblong-lanceolate to narrowly oblong. Capsule globose, 3,5-4 mm, apiculate. Fl. 4-7. Dry rocky slopes on clay and shale, alien nr streams, shady shores, salt marshes, fields, s.l.-1500 m.
C. & S. Europe, Balkans, Crimea. E. Medit. element. Subsp. canina  has a maroon, concolorous corolla and has not been recorded from Turkey. 
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