Verbascum luridiflorum

Verbascum luridiflorum

Taşçı sığırkuyruğu
Perennial, 30-65 cm, crispate-villous with simple, articulate, mostly eglandular hairs below, numerous stalked, glandular hairs above. Stem terete or subangular, simple or with few branches. Basal leaves elliptic to rhomboid- and oblong-ovate, 6-12 x 2,5-6 cm, coarsely bicrenate to weakly dentate-lobed, petiole 0,5-5 cm; cauline lanceolate to linear, to 3 x 0,5 cm, denticulate to entire. Inflorescence lax, simple or with few branches. Bracts triangular- to linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, entire or lowest denticulate. Pedicels 10-25 mm, ebracteolate. Calyx 3-7 mm, with oblong or elliptic, obtuse or mucronate lobes. Corolla dirty brown, 20-30 mm diam., without pellucid glands, glabrous or sparsely glandular-hairy outside. Stamens 5, anthers reniform, filaments purple-violet hairy, 2 anterior glabrous near apex. Capsule broadly ovate, 5-8 x 4-6 mm, glandular, soon glabrescent. Fl. 6. Limestone slopes, 900-1950 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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