Atriplex rosea

 Atriplex rosea


Annual, up to 1 m, ± strongly lepidote. Leaves 3-6 x 2-4 cm, deltoid-triangular, with many acute teeth, long-cuneate at the base, ± sessile, the lower leaves shortly stalked, with clear nerves beneath. Inflorescence squarrose-pyramidal, branches leafy to the apex. Flowers in whorls of 2-20 in the leaf axils, rarely naked at the ends of the twigs. Bracteoles 5 x 5 mm, deltoid or triangular-deltoid, somewhat acuminate towards the apex, acutely and irregularly toothed,  reticulate-veined, usually with a leaf-like appendage. Fl. 6-8. Rubbish tips, cultivated ground, rarely in steppe, s.I.-1000 m.

Mediterranean area, S. Russia, S.W. & C. Asia.



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