Bassia pilosa

 Bassia pilosa


Sin: Panderia pilosa

Hairy annual herbs, up to 50 cm. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Flowers in groups of 1-7 in the axils of the upper leaves in spike-like inflorescences, hermaphrodite, rarely female, without bracteoles. Perianth urceolate, dry-membranous; segments 5, partly long-hairy, united below with 5 equal, rounded connivent teeth which have a green tubercle or narrow wing-like appendage above. Stamens 5 with long filaments. Style short; stigmas 2, filiform. Seeds vertical, elongate, with membranous pericarp. Embryo ring-like. Fl. 5-8. Dry edges ofsalt marshes, salt steppe, waste places, 900-1200 m.

Caucasia, Syrian Desert, Iran to Mongolia. 


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