Microcnemum coralloides

Microcnemum coralloides


Branched, glabrous, articulate annuals, 5-10 cm. Leaves reduced, opposite, united, weakly amplexicaul, acute. Flowers in cone-like inflorescences 1-3 cm long. Bracts similar to the leaves, with 2-3 flowers in their axils. Perianth minute, thin, membranous. Stamen 1. Seed black, semicircular, with a hard, densely papillose testa. Embryo curved. - Monotypic. Fl. 5-7. Very salty soils, 940-1000 m.

The Turkish material belongs to subsp. anatolicum Wagenitz , with densely papillose seeds, the plants remaining yellowish, which is endemic to Turkey. Subsp. coralloides, with obscurely papillose seeds, the plants usually becoming purplish, is known only from Spain. This is a very good example of disjunct distribution; it is very doubtful which of the two areas is the original.