Salsola laricina

Salsola laricina

Kel sodaotu

Shrub, 20-60 cm, very woody at the base, ± long hairy, later glabrous, the woody twigs with congested, short shoots. Leaves linear, semicircular, blunt, 7-10 mm, with scattered hairs or glabrous. Flowers solitary in terminal elongate spikes. Bracts with a ± long, semicircular, obtuse apex from a broadened and somewhat appendaged base, with a rounded keel on the back, exceeding the flowers . Bracteoles similar, glabrous. Perianth segments elongate-ovate, thick-membranous, whitish yellow with a green spot in the centre. Wing narrow at the base. Style shorter than the long, thread-like richly papillose stigmas. Connective with a short, broadly triangular point. Fl. 6-8. In salt steppe, c. 950 m.

S. Russia, Caucasia, S. Siberia.

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