Salsola nitraria

Salsola nitraria


Plant 5-40 cm, with long branches, hairy or glabrescent. Leaves 8-12 mm, linear, semicircular, somewhat broadened at the base, glabrous or hairy. Bracts and bracteoles broadly triangular-ovate, fleshy, with narrow membranous margins, somewhat keeled on the back, the bracteoles somewhat longer than the bracts. Flowers solitary in ± dense-flowered spikes. Perianth segments thick, leathery, obovate, acuminate, the apices connivent, cone-shaped, glabrous, with a green central spot. Style thin, 1 mm. Stigmas ± equally long, thread-like, richly papillose. Fl. 6-8. Wet salty soils, 900-1200 m.

S. Russia, Caucasia, C. Asia to Mongolia. Ir.-Tur. element.

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