Allium armerioides

 Allium armerioides

Mardin soğanı


Bulb oblong, c. 1 cm; outer tunics.finely reticulate-fibrous, brown; produced above into an elongate sheath. Stem 10.5-13.5 cm. Leaves narrowly filiform, fistulose, scarcely shorter than stem. Spathe 2-valved, membranous, ovate, acute, equalling umbel. Umbel few-flowered, globose, with almost sessile flowers. Perianth campanulate; segments white, c. 5.5 mm, somewhat acute, erose at margin, papillose on back and aculeolate along keel. Outer filaments shorter than perianth; inner equalling perianth; median cusp somewhat shorter than lateral cusps.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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