Allium aucheri

 Allium aucheri

Mavi soğan

 Bulb ovoid, 0.8-1 cm diam.; outertunics greyish-brown, subcoriaceous. Stems 40-70 cm. Leaves 2-4, fistulose, 1.5-3 mm broad, flattened,short. Spathe dark violet or purple, globose, suddenly contracted into a beak as long as base, dividing into triangular-ovate, acute valves. Umbel spherical or hemispherical, 2-3 cm diam., many-flowered, dense, almost capitate. Pedicels unequal, 0.5-2 x perianth. Perianth tubular-campanulate; segments dark violet-blue or violet-pink with dirty purple or green midvein, 7-9 mm, oblong-elliptic, acute and cucullate at apex, smooth or denticulate-scabrid on keel. Filaments 1/3-1/2 x perianth segments, ± ciliste at base; median cusp of inner filaments 1/6-1/4 x basal lamina and 1/3-1/2 x lateral cusps. Capsule ellipsoid, c. 6 mm. Fl. 6-7. Meadows, summer pastures, damp places, dry grassy banks, c. 1800-2550 m.

Transcaucasia, Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.

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