Allium efeae

Allium efeae


Bulbs ovoid, 1–3 cm in diameter; outer tunics disintegrating, grayish or light brown, bulblets numerous. Scape 20–60 cm long, cylindrical. Leaves 2–6, broadly linear, 5–20 mm wide, usually longer than ½ of scape, glaucous, margin irregularly serrate or smooth. Spathe split in 2–3 triangular parts. Inflorescence fastigiate-semiglobose, 2–6 cm in diameter . Pedicels 3× tepals, almost equal, slightly carmine flushed. Perigon stellate, curving inwards in fruit, elliptic-lanceolate, with a subobtuse-subacute tip, 6–7 mm long and 2–2.5 mm wide, bright pink with purple or green median vein. Filaments 3/4 as long as the tepals, fleshy, basally United for nearly 1–2 mm, triangular at base, gradually narrowed above, pinkish white. Anthers purple. Ovary green, globose with 6 furrows. Capsule ovoid, 4–5 mm in diameter. Seeds black, reniform. The seed testa cells of A. efeae have prominent verrucae and U-like undulations with moderate wavelength. This structure is similar to that of other species of Allium subgen. Melanocrommyum. Flowering in May–June, fruiting in June–July. 2n = 24



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