Allium ertugrulii

Allium ertugrulii

Ertuğrul soğanı

Bulb ovoid-elipsoid, cream-brown, coriaceus, pitted, without bulblets. Stem 25-50 cm tall, conspicuously purplish and flexuous at base, glabrous. Leaves 1 , 15-30x0.5-1 cm, linear_lanceolate, straight, shorther than theinflorescense, with short  above ground sheats, not fistuleate, glabrous with smooth margins, puplish where clasping the stem; sheats thinly membranuous in texture, smooth; spathe 10-13 mm, persistent, 1-valved and 4-5-lobed, not deeply divided, ovate-lanceolate, gradually narrowed to apex, whitish, hyaline suffused with purple and with purple veins. Umbel fastigiate, 10-20 flowered, 1-4 cm diameter, dense. Pedicels up to 2.5 cm long, unequal, creamish or purplish, smooth, without bracteoles. Stamens purple, 2x0.75 mm. Perianth campanulate; segments white,  10-12 mm long, the outer ones oblong-oblanceolate, obtuse, minutely toothed or slightly dentate at apex, the inner ones lanceolate, obtuse, slightly dentate, narrower than outer segments. Stamens with anthers inserted; filaments glabrous, simple; anthers dehiscent, purple. Ovary ovate, 3-4x2.5-3 mm, green, glabrous; style 4-6 mm, longer than filaments. Capsule triquetrous, 4-6x3-5 mm. Seeds black, 1-2 mm, smooth. Flowering and fruiting in May- June.


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