Allium myrianthum

Allium myrianthum

Pak soğan

Bulb ovoid, 0.8-2.5 cm diam.; outer tunics brown, striate, inner white, membranous. Stem 30-150 cm. Leaves narrowly linear, 2-5 mm broad, fistular, semicylindrical, canaliculate. Valves of spathe abruptly and slenderly caudate from an ovate-oblong base, as long as or more often longer than umbel. Umbel globose, 2-5 cm diam., many-flowered. Pedicels filiform, slightly unequal, many times longer than flowers. Perianth shortly campanulate; segments milky-white or cream, oblong-spathulate, 2-3 mm, obtuse. Filaments subulate, exserted, to 1.5 x as long as perianth. Capsule globose-depressed, trigonous, 2 mm, longer than perianth. Fl. 6-7. Pinus brutia and Quercus forest, macchie, scrub, igneous and calcareous slopes, dry rocky steppe, salty lake shores, streamsides, olive groves, pastures, field borders, roadsides, sandy places, etc., s.l.-1600 m.

Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, N. Iran, Egypt, Cyrenaica. Ir.-Tur. element.

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