Allium turcicum

Allium turcicum

Türk soğanı

Bulb ovoid. 1-1.2 cm in diam.; outer tunics greyish. sometimes purplish-striate. Stem 15-20 cm, cylindrical. slightly ribbed. Leaves 3-4, exceeding inflorescence. semi-terete, 1-1.2 mm broad. canaliculate, scabridulous on sheaths and at margins. Spathe valves unequal, persistent. narrowly triangular at base, contracted above into a slender appendage. longer than pedicels; longer one to 9-12 cm, Umbel 4 cm diam. lax; pedicels subequal, 1.5-2 cm, central pedicels to 3 cm in fruit. Perianth shortly campanulate, segments clearly unequal, pinkish-green with green rnidvein, pruinose; outer perianth segments 3 x 1.3 mm, oblong-ovate, keeled. obtuse-acute; inner longer than outer and dark purplish lit irregularly dentate apex, 3.5-4 x 1.5 mm, Stamens exserted; filaments dark purple lit upper parts: anthers yellow. Ovary subglobose, contracted at base into a short stipe, Capsule globose-trigonous, c. 4 mm long. 2n=16. 17. Fl. 6-7. Stony slopes. under mixed trees, 1150 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 

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