Allium vineale

Allium vineale


Bulb ovoid, 1.2-2 cm diam.; outer tunics greyish-brown, papyraceous, ± torn. Stem 30-70 cm. Leaves 3-4, subcylindrical, 2-4 mm broad, fistulose. Spathe 1-valved, caducous, with beak as long as or a little longer than base. Umbel subglobose, ovoid or hemispherical, 1.5-3 cm diam., many-flowered, with few or no bulbils, or few-flowered with several bulbils, or with all flowers replaced by bulbils. Pedicels 8-20 mm, unequal. Perianth campanulate; segments bright pink, pale mauve or purple, pale lilac or greenish-white, 3-3.5 mm, outer narrowly oblong-ovate, subacute or obtuse, concave, inner narrowly oblong or almost narrowly obovate, rounded at apex. Filaments slightly or 1.5-2 xperianth; median cuspof inner filaments slightly or distinctly shorter than basal lamina and much shorter than lateral cusps. Capsule 3-3.5 mm. 2n = 32. Fl. 6-8. Alpine meadows, riverbanks, marshes, and as weed of cultivated land, 25-2650 m.

N.W. Africa, most of Europe , N. Iran, Syria, Lebanon.

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