Narcissus jonquilla

Narcissus jonquilla


Bulb 25-30 x 20-25 mm. Leaves 21-27 x 2-2.5 mm, subcylindrical, deeply canaliculate. Scape 9-17 cm or more. Spathe 35-70 mm, scarious, cylindrical in lower 1/3. Flowers in umbels of 2-4, concolorous, scented. Longest pedicels 35-50 mm, shorter or longer than spathe. Hypanthial tube cylindrical to narrowly infundibular, 20-30 mm, straight. Perianth segments deep yellow, 10-15 x 8-9 mm, patent. Corona deep yellow, 3-5 x 10-12 mm. Stamens in two unequal whorls, tips oflower ones reaching base of corona, upper ones near middle of corona. Fl. 4-5. Cultivated.

S. part of Iberian peninsula.

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