Narcissus tazetta

Narcissus tazetta


Bulb 20-60 x 25-50 mm. Leaves 20-75 cm x 5-14mm, green or blue-green, usually glaucous, flat or canaliculate, rarely V-shaped in transverse section. Scape 15-65 cm. Flowers in umbels of 2-10, fragrant. Spathe 20-65 mm, scarious. Pedicels unequal, longest 30-75 mm. Hypanthial tube 18-30 mm, slender, cylindrical, narrowly infundibular at top. Perianth segments white or yellow, patent, 8-17 x 4-11 mm, ovate to obovate, overlapping or not, sometimes mucronate or apiculate. Corona yellow to orange, 2.5-6 x 4.5-12 mm. Stamens unequal, upper whorl exserted from hypanthial tube but included in corona. Fl. 11-5. Pinus pinea forest, rocky places nr coast, limestone scree, Quercus macchie, lakesides and swamps, nr s.l.-850 m.

1- Perianth segments white subsp. tazetta

1- Perianth segments deep yellow subsp. aureus

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