Bunium paucifolium
Bunium paucifolium
Glabrous ascending or erect perennial with branched terete finely ridged stems, 10-120 cm. Basal leaves triangular, up to 30 x 13 cm, 2-3-pinnate; ultimate segments linear, very variable in length. Upper cauline leaves 1-2-pinnate with linear to filiform segments and sheathing petioles. Rays 3-15, ± equal, 5-40 mm. Bracts 2-9, 1-20 x 0,5-2 mm. Bracteoles 1-7, 1,5-10 x c. 0,5 mm. Flowers white or pinkish, 5-20 per umbellule; petals not inflexed, c. 2 mm long. Fruits oblong, glabrous, c. 5 x 2 mm; styles 2-3 mm, spreading to deflexed; stylopodium ± flat.
1- Rays short, 10-15 mm; pedicels stellately spreading and about as long as fruit var. brevipes
1- Rays 10-40 mm; pedicels not stellately spreading in fruit, shorter or longer than fruit
2. Stems unbranched below, much branched in inflorescence region; rays 3-6 var. junceum
2. Stems branched from base; rays 6-15 var. paucifolium