Bupleurum odontites

Bupleurum odontites

Damarlı şeytanayağı

Richly branched annual, 5-50 cm, erect, main stem ending in an umbel at 3-35 cm, usually overtopped by the erecto-patent lateral branches. Leaves 4-17 cm long, 4-8 mm broad,-± linear. Peduncles 3-15 mm. Rays 4-7, very unequal, 0,5-3,5 mm. Bracts 5, 11-45 mm. Bracteoles 5, at -flowering 4-20 mm, then growing to 15-30 mm, flat, ± narrowly lanceolate to ovate, apiculate, with 3 strong veins and marked, transverse veinlets, usually semi-transparent in late flower and fruit. Umbellules 10-13-flowered. Petals 0,65-0,75 mm. Anthers 0,35-0,4 mm. Stylopodium 0,75-1 mm, styles 0,4-0,5 mm. Fruit 1,5-1,8 mm, smooth, ridges and oil ducts inconspicuous. 2n = 16. Fl. 4-7. Dry open habitats, stream banks, secondarily as weed and ruderal plant, s.l-1300 m.
W., C. & S. Europe, east to Palestine and Syria; N.W. Africa; world-wide as a casual. 
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