Exoacantha heterophylla

Exoacantha heterophylla

Boz yıldızotu

Glabrous annual with striate to grooved, branched stems 15-40 cm. Lower leaves with ± ovate ultimate segments, soon deciduous, segments of upper leaves ± linear-lanceolate, entire or incised. Rays c. 15, unequal, thickened and ± white at maturity, 0,5-2 cm x up to 4 mm. Bracts 10-12, lanceolate, thickened when mature, reflexed, spinose, ± equal, 2-4 cm. Bracteoles c. 8, lanceolate to awl-shaped, spinose, spreading, unequal, 0,5-4 cm. Pedicels clustered, 20-30, thickened in fruit, deflexing along the ± incurved rays, unequal, 2-4 mm. Petals with an oil duct. Fruit c. 2 x 2 mm. Fl. 6-7. Roadsides, pastures, c. 365 m.
W. Syria, Syrian Desert. E. Medit. element.
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