Ferulago mughlae

Ferulago mughlae

Muğla kişnişi

Glabrous glaucous perennial. Stem terete or ± angled, weakly sulcate, 60-120 cm. Leaves 5-pinnate, triangular-ovate in outline, 20-60 x 15-40 cm, lobes linear, 5-15 x 0,5-1 mm, mucronate. Inflorescence paniculate-corymbose,  central umbels 7-14-rayed, rays stout, 5-7 cm, usually stellate at fruiting time; bracts ovate-lanceolate, 6-10 mm, acuminate, margins membranous; fruiting pedicels accrescent, 9-15 mm; bracteoles lanceolate, 4-5 mm, acuminate to cuspidate. Mericarps narrowly elliptic-oblong, 14-16 x 5 mm, truncate at the base, dorsal ridges spongiose, narrowly winged, lateral wings c. 0,5 mm wide; dorsal and commissural vittae more than 14. Fl. 4-5. Macchie and forest, usually on serpentine, 20-880 m.
A distinctive endemic species. E. Medit. element.