Heracleum argaeum

Heracleum argaeum

Yayla öğrekotu

Perennial, 30-55 cm, not aromatic , with a collar of broad flat fibres. Stems sturdy, c. 5 mm diam. below, sulcate, velutinous to villous. Lower leaves ternate to pinnate, 9-14 x 6-13 cm, oblong to ovate-triangular; densely pubescent to grey-velutinous on both sides; leaflets 3-5, suborbicular to reniform, 3-8 x 2,5-8 cm, very shortly 3-5-lobed, mostly cordate at base, margin crenate-dentate, the lower part often petiolulate, the terminal leaflet rarely 3-sect. Upper cauline leaves with broadly oblong sheaths with a retuse or truncate apex. Rays 7-11, unequal, 1,5-7 cm, pubescent. Bracteoles ovate to lanceolate, acuminate. Flowers white, the outer somewhat radiant. Ovary pubescent. Fruits obovate to broadly elliptic, 7-8 x 5 mm, pubescent; dorsal vittae clavate, c. 1/2 as long as mericarp; commissural vittae absent. Fl. 6-7. Alpine regions and limestone woodland, 1600-2000 m.
Endemic. Related to H. humile and H. pastinacifolium subsp. incanum.