Hohenackeria exscapa

Hohenackeria exscapa


Acaulescent or very short-stemmed, dichotomously branched, ± glabrous annuals with slender tap roots. Leaves entire, oblanceolate, 3-nerved, margin finely scabrid, 3-6 cm x 2-5 mm, attenuate into petiole eventually broadened and winged. Sepals 4-6, rigid, spinose, persistent, longer than petals. Umbellule 6-16-flowered, sessile in leafaxils. Fruit glabrous, 5-6 x 2-3 mm, thickened below, abruptly constricted above into a smooth green cylindrical beak c. 1 mm long. Fl. 5. Calcareous Juniperus macchie, cultivated land, 980-1400 m.

S. Spain, N.W. Africa, Transcaucasia. Ir.-Tur. element?

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