Lisaea heterocarpa

Lisaea heterocarpa

Ak gelinpıtrağı

Stems erect, branched, up to 60 cm, indumentum of short crisped hairs and longer, glochidiate setae. Leaves with 5-7 oblong-lanceolate, deeply, slightly doubly, serrate leaflets, pubescent on both surfaces, setose along the veins beneath. Rays 5-7. Bracts lanceolate, scarious, much shorter than rays. Petals pink or white, the outer 7,5-11 mm. Fruit fusiform, scarcely compressed, c. 6 mm, each mericarp consisting mostly of 3 ridges. Mericarps heteromorphic, the outer tuberculate all over the surface, with 3 ridges bearing 2-4 broad triangular teeth; the inner also tuberculate with 3 ± smooth ridges or with 2-3 very obscure crenations. Fruit not splitting. Fl. 5. Cornfields, fallow fields, vineyards, 400-1100 m.

N.W. Iran, Soviet Armenia. Ir.-Tur. element.

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