Malabaila pastinacifola

Malabaila pastinacifola


Tomentellous biennial with a thick rootstock; stems 75-120 cm, striate. Basal leaves 1-pinnate, oblong in outline, often glaucous; segments elliptic to ovate, 2-4 cm, crenate to shallowly lobed, rarely narrowly elliptic and entire. Rays 5-12 per umbel, unequal elongating considerably in fruit, the longest 9-12 cm; umbellules c. 25-flowered, dense, remaining so in fruit; bracts and bracteoles 4-8, lanceolate. Flowers yellow; styles deciduous. Fruit 8-10 x 7-9 mm, obovate to suborbicular, tomentellous even on the margins, margins c. 1 mm wide; commissures glabrous. Fl. 6-8. Roadsides, steppe, 1200-1770 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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